Cloud or On-Prem Servers—Which Is Better for Your Company

Cloud or On-Prem Servers—Which Is Better for Your Company?

Every organization needs to manage its data to get its desired business outcomes. For a company to access its data and use it in day-to-day operations, dashboards, reporting, and data analytics, it either needs a cloud or on-premises solution to facilitate compute, storage, and data management strategies.

What’s The Difference Between The Cloud And On-Premises Data Storage?

An on-premises data server is hardware that you maintain on your company’s premises for storing, processing, and accessing information through your organization’s networks. An in-house IT department is needed to maintain, turn over/replace, and upgrade the hardware, keep it stable and operational, and secure it.

A cloud storage solution run by an expert and backed by a cutting-edge data center provides the same functions as an on-premises server and more. It does not exist on your company’s premises and the data on it is accessed through the internet. All updates and maintenance tasks are performed by the cloud provider, who owns and operates its own hyper-secure data centers to safeguard your data in case of failure, cyberattack, or outage. Like on-premises servers, access to cloud data can be set by administrators to be permission-based to allow access only by authorized personnel.

On-Prem vs Cloud

On-Premises vs. Cloud—Which Option Best Suits Modern Business Needs?

Many mid-sized companies do not have 24/7/365 monitoring of their server rooms, specialized climate controls needed for a data center, and do not consistently deploy or regularly schedule hardware upgrades to keep the systems reliable before something goes down.

There are more factors when choosing between using a cloud computing solution or keeping servers on-premises, including customizability and scalability, security concerns, and the budget for your organization’s data management strategy. While on-premises data servers regularly require hardware upgrades in your physical locations to expand alongside your business’s growing needs, a cloud storage and computing solution with access to highly advanced data centers is scalable based upon your workload. Unlike an on-premises server that can take a lot of time and money to set up and ready for operation, cloud service providers ensure you can access your cloud for computing and storage needs almost instantly.

In some mid-sized companies, server rooms tend to be used for multiple purposes, which means that they are sometimes unlocked, unsecured, and allow for unauthorized access that compromises data security. Many mid-sized companies do not have 24/7/365 monitoring of their server rooms, specialized climate controls needed for a data center, and do not consistently deploy or regularly schedule hardware upgrades to keep the systems reliable before something goes down.

One mid-market employee shares the story of a server closet that her company had in a previous workplace. For starters, it could be accessed by nearly every employee of the company. She recounted that the IT department placed portable dehumidifiers in the room to keep moisture down. The IT department’s regular practice was to empty the server closet dehumidifiers in the office’s kitchen sink. Unfortunately, a new IT employee happened to trip while carrying one of the dehumidifiers and spilled water all over the server room. Every employee of the company was affected—they found out that the work they had done since the last backup, which happened to be 5 days ago, had disappeared. Even worse, their servers were down for several days after the incident, further impacting their daily business operations.

Although in the past, people feared that cloud would not be secure, or a company would lose control over its data—cloud has proven to be more secure than on-premises hardware. First, cloud vendors host their own data centers and because this is their main business, they have cutting-edge climate control environments to protect their clients’ data. Cloud vendors adhere to frequent hardware replacement turn-over schedules to keep uptime maximized and cloud operations state-of-the-art. Cloud vendors monitor their data centers 24/7/365, are security experts, and have strict controls in place in order to service clients in highly regulated industries with rigorous data security needs. For most mid-sized businesses, it is more cost effective to rely upon the expertise of a cloud vendor for data security and uptime than to host and maintain its own servers, stay on top of the latest security threats, and staff its data center (or data closet) for monitoring to prevent downtime and security breaches.

Large enterprises often can afford to build their own data centers providing them an alternative to an external cloud provider. However, this is incredibly expensive and can set organizations back by USD $10-25 million on yearly setup and operation costs. This infrastructure also takes a lot of time to be implemented and in today’s fast-paced business environment, this might not be entirely acceptable for decision-makers.

Yet, even for enterprises, on-premises solutions no longer make the most sense. Most modern business applications are cloud-native. Cutting-edge data analytics solutions are cloud-native and connect and integrate data sources using cloud technologies. Clouds are better suited for analytics than on-premises hardware, due to scalability and ability to absorb compute spikes (instead of having to invest in hardware with capacity for compute spikes as machine learning algorithms converge—which leads to excess capacity at other times).

According to Insights for Professionals, 63% of senior IT leaders and company executives who were surveyed expected to invest in cloud infrastructure-as-a-service in 2022. Considering the state of on-premises servers, which are becoming an obsolete technology that require an IT department to keep a constant eye on it, cloud technology is a natural progression in infrastructure for better data management. Gartner reports by 2025 almost 85% of companies will have moved to a cloud-first approach. Cloud technology has now evolved to a point where it provides better stability and security at a more economical price than on-premises solutions.

63% of senior IT leaders and company executives expect to invest in cloud infrastructure-as-a-service in 2022.

Mid-Market Company Considerations

Many organizations are operating in hybrid and multi-cloud environments. This means that they have some data in on-site servers, some data in cloud based line of business applications (relying on the application provider for data storage in whichever cloud the application vendor uses for its product), and many have some data in a public cloud.

However, mid-market companies have added considerations when choosing a cloud solution. Most public cloud service providers do not offer data management services. You need to do this yourself. Yet, mid-market companies often do not have this expert talent in-house. For success, mid-market companies need a cloud hyper-scaler that also provides data engineering services to build data connectors and pipelines, warehouses, data lakes, and the like. This skill set is different from a typical IT employee. Hyper-scalers—who can help organizations with data management, transform data from disparate sources into a decision and analytics-ready status, and bring transactional data into the forefront using a cost-effective cloud solution—tend to be private cloud vendors. For this reason, private cloud solutions make more sense than public cloud for mid-sized organizations.

Experts by your side

A side-by-side partnership with an experienced cloud-native data platform company will have a measurable and positive impact on mid-market company data management strategies, with built-in access to technical resources and experts, so that your company does not need to hire new FTEs to support data management. Rely on the data management companies for data management so that your company can focus on your main line of business.

Aunalytics’ high performance private cloud provides a highly redundant and scalable platform for hosting servers, data, analytics, and applications at any performance level. Aunalytics delivers data management in a side-by-side service model, bringing companies the technology and the talent needed for data management success. To learn more about our Enterprise Cloud solution, click here.

Don’t Ghost Your Network—Begin Your Security Maturity Journey

Is your security keeping up with the rapidly changing threat landscape? If not, your security is becoming more obsolete by the day—and more vulnerable to scary things like hackers and ransomware by the second. When a company is fully protected with the most up to date hardware, software, monitoring, and consistent patching it begins to reach security maturity.

Security maturity is a consistent state of awareness concerning your network security and can only be achieved when you:

  • Have an SOC to monitor and remediate threats
  • Have looped vulnerability management
  • Employ active defense with security intelligence from multiple sources to protect applications, networks, servers and workstations
  • Are willing to adapt your security environment to new and changing threats on a constant basis, and more.

Network threats are always lurking in the shadows

Be Proactive

Instead of relying on a passive security model—or worse, waiting until after a companywide infection—take an active role in your company’s security. The main goal of security maturity is to avoid or reduce the number of security incidents haunting your network. It’s kind of like painting San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge. As soon as the painting crew gets from one end to the other with a fresh coat of paint, it is time to start again to repaint the bridge. Security maturity requires constant action and change as your organization adapts to protect against the latest evolving threats.

We all observed remote work access change security and IT on a mass scale in 2020, and security changes continue to become more necessary as bad actors and threats become more and more dangerous to your business as it continues to grow and change—and more dangerous for your customers to do business with you.

October WSJ headlines highlight a Chicago healthcare system, one of the largest in the U.S., being the victim of ransomware that is forcing it to shut down electronic records, systems, and cancel patient appointments. It is now working with law enforcement and outside cybersecurity experts to remediate. A security maturity journey is hard to make on your own, and a good partner can ensure you are meeting the highest security standards possible. Here at Aunalytics, we include security in everything we do because we believe it is a basic building block of IT.

Find A Trusted Security Partner

Without a secure network, you cannot even begin to consider moving further into a security maturity journey. Fortunately, a partner can give you the peace of mind that you will be working with a talented security team that is watching your network 24/7/365, helping to ensure bad actors are caught and eradicated before your company is compromised.

A standard, one size fits all security solution simply doesn’t work anymore—it often leaves cracks, holes, and even chasms for hackers and cyberattacks to slip through. You can improve your journey from cybersecurity to security maturity with a trusted partner.

Click here to learn more.

Aunalytics Highlights Security Priorities as Cybersecurity Awareness Month Concludes

Company Recommends Cybersecurity Solutions to Better Protect Organizations Against High-Risk Cyber Attacks

South Bend, IN (October 28, 2022)Aunalytics, a leading data management and analytics company delivering managed IT and data platform services for mid-sized and enterprise businesses, today highlighted top security priorities to follow when reinforcing defensive security strategies against malicious cyber threats. The guidance is provided as Cybersecurity Awareness Month comes to a close in October, after a month of focus on the subject.

According to Check Point Research (CPR), “2022 began with a massive exploitation of one of the most serious vulnerabilities on the internet, the Apache log4j, and continued with full blown cyber warfare from the Russia-Ukraine war. The second quarter of 2022 saw an all-time peak, where global cyber-attacks increased by 32%, compared to Q2 2021. The average weekly attacks per organization worldwide reached a peak of 1.2K attacks.”

In response to the rising number of attacks, Aunalytics is providing guidance and solutions to strengthen, educate and defend business IT systems and data from attack. These include having a comprehensive Vulnerability Management (VM) solution, Security Awareness Training, and beginning a Security Maturity Journey – all backed by Aunalytics’ expert cybersecurity team.

Aunalytics cybersecurity solutions experts recommend the following:

  • Vulnerability Management (VM) – Replaces manual efforts to protect the network from bad actors using high quality equipment and tools that are typically limited to enterprise organizations. Without a VM solution in place, it is exceedingly difficult to find individuals who have slipped into the network. A VM solution is overseen by security professionals and discovers devices on a network, determines if they are vulnerable and fixes any underlying issues, while concurrently protecting the network as fixes are implemented.
  • Security Awareness Training – Security management and training are crucial for businesses to avoid digital disasters. Security awareness training is necessary to educate employees about the digital dangers in their environment and how to properly deal with them. Aunalytics provides expert knowledge and toolsets that employees need in order to better protect the organization.
  • Security Maturity Journey – If system security is not keeping up with the rapidly changing threat landscape, it will become obsolete and more vulnerable to bad actors. Security maturity means adapting and improving security as the environment changes and grows. It means taking strategic actions like deploying active defenses with the help of security intelligence from multiple sources. Businesses can evolve from a legacy security state to security maturity with the help of a trusted partner.


The growing threat of cybercrime is a risk to any organization connected to the Internet. Attacks can arrive in forms that include phishing, spear phishing, ransomware attacks, zero-day attacks, known vulnerability exploits, sensitive data breaches, brute-force attacks and more. Secure Managed Services by Aunalytics offers peace of mind in knowing that IT environments are monitored and managed at all times with the goal of eliminating the risk of data exfiltration or infrastructure downtime.

“End-to-end protection requires actions and defenses that consider the entirety of systems and software throughout an organization. It also means educating employees so they are ‘security aware’ to help reduce the number of threats that may enter through vulnerable endpoints,” said Steven Burdick, VP, Sales, Cloud & Managed Services. “Aunalytics protects organizations on their security journey, deploying a defensive cybersecurity framework that provides the technology and expertise for better security posture.”


About Aunalytics

Aunalytics is a leading data management and analytics company delivering Insights-as-a-Service for mid-sized businesses and enterprises. Selected for the prestigious Inc. 5000 list for two consecutive years as one of the nation’s fastest growing companies, Aunalytics offers managed IT services and managed analytics services, private cloud services, and a private cloud-native data platform for data management and analytics. The platform is built for universal data access, advanced analytics and AI — unifying distributed data silos into a single source of truth for highly accurate, actionable business information. Its DaybreakTM industry intelligent data mart combined with the power of the Aunalytics data platform provides industry-specific data models with built-in queries and AI for accurate mission-critical insights. To solve the talent gap that so many mid-sized businesses and enterprises located in secondary markets face, through its side-by-side digital transformation model, Aunalytics provides the technical talent needed for data management and analytics success in addition to its innovative technologies and tools.  To learn more contact us at +1 855-799-DATA or visit Aunalytics at  or on Twitter and LinkedIn.


PR Contact:
Denise Nelson
The Ventana Group for Aunalytics
(925) 858-5198

Does Your Mid-Market Firm Have the Right Talent to Maximize Its Data Tech Investments

Does Your Mid-Market Firm Have the Right Talent to Maximize Its Data Tech Investments?


Does Your Mid-Market Firm Have the Right Talent to Maximize Its Data Tech Investments?

Investing in digital transformation technologies can be a waste of money if your company forgets one important point. That point is, no matter how cutting edge the tech or tool may be, people are needed with specific technical expertise in order to derive true business value from these investments.

Unlike large enterprises, mid-market companies often try to find this expertise in their IT manager, hoping a jack-of-all-trades approach will take care of it. This is an unfortunate mistake, since it would require the IT manager to have unusual command over a long laundry list of duties, from data integration, ingestion, and preparation to data security, regulatory compliance, data science, and building pipelines of data ready for executive reporting from multiple cloud and on-premises environments. This is not just a tall order for a mid-market IT manager to pull off, but likely an impossible one.

Overwhelmed IT worker at a computer late in the evening
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22 Annual CUSO Conference

2022 Annual CUSO Conference

December 1-4, 2022

2022 Annual CUSO Conference

TradeWinds Island Grand Resort, St. Petersburg, FL

Aunalytics to attend the 2021 Annual CUSO (Credit Union Service Organization) Conference

Aunalytics will be attending the Annual CUSO (Credit Union Service Organization) Conference as a lunch sponsor. Aunalytics has developed Daybreak™ for Financial Services, which enables credit unions to more effectively identify and deliver new services and solutions for their members so they can better compete with large national banks.

22 Annual CUSO Conference

22 Technology First Taste of IT

2022 Technology First Taste of IT Conference

November 16, 2022

2022 Technology First Taste of IT Conference

Sinclair Conference Center, Dayton, OH

Aunalytics to Attend Technology First's 2022 Taste of IT Conference as a Gold Sponsor

Aunalytics is proud to be a Gold Sponsor, and excited to join over 400 IT professionals at the Technology First Taste of IT Conference on in Dayton, Ohio. Aunalytics provides a wide variety of managed IT and security solutions, such as our Secure Managed Services offering which combines mission critical IT services leveraging zero trust end-to-end security to ensure people and data are protected regardless of location. In addition, our Advanced Security solution gives organizations access to cutting-edge technology and expertise of Aunalytics professionals to prevent and mitigate cyberattacks.

22 Technology First Taste of IT

22 Ohio Bankers League Annual Meeting

2022 Ohio Bankers League Annual Meeting

November 2-3, 2022

2022 Ohio Bankers League Annual Meeting

​Hyatt Regency, Columbus OH

Aunalytics Excited to Attend the 2022 OBL Annual Meeting as a Reception Sponsor

Aunalytics is excited to attend the 2022 Ohio Bankers League (OBL) Annual Meeting as a Reception Sponsor. Aunalytics will be demonstrating Daybreak™ for Financial Services, a cloud-native data platform which enables community banks to focus on critical business outcomes and make data-driven business decisions in order to compete with large financial institutions.

22 Ohio Bankers League Annual Meeting

Ransomware Attacks Pose An Increasing Threat to Businesses of All Sizes: The State of Ransomware 2022

Cyberattacks are a constant threat to organizations of all sizes. To better understand how the current attack environment and track how ransomware trends have changed over time, Sophos commissioned an independent, vendor-agnostic survey of 5,600 IT professional in mid-sized organizations across 31 countries. This survey was conducted in January and early February 2022. The results highlighted the increasing threat that ransomware poses, and the increased role cyber insurance is playing in driving organizations to improve their cyber defenses.

Cyberattacks are up from last year

Ransomware attacks have increased significantly over the past year—66% of organizations surveyed were hit by an attack in 2021, up 78% from the previous year. This is due in part to the ease at which bad actors are able to deploy attacks. The Ransomware-as-a-service mode has reduced the skill level needed to attack.

Not only are attacks more prevalent, but the attacks themselves are becoming more successful and more complex. In 2021, 65% of attacks resulted in data being encrypted, up from 54% in 2020. Fifty-nine percent of organizations who experienced cyberattacks saw the complexity of the attacks increase, while 57% saw an increase in the volume of cyberattacks overall.

Prevalence of attacks
Data recovery rates are improving
Data recovery after the attack

Despite the increase in attacks within the past year, there is some good news. Almost every organization surveyed (99%) were able to get some encrypted data back—up from 96% in 2020. The top method used to restore data was backups, which was used by 73% of organization whose data was encrypted in an attack. In addition to backups, a large portion—forty-six percent—paid a ransom to have their data restored.

Unfortunately, while paying a ransom typically allows organizations to get some data back, it is less effective than in years past at restoring data. On average, organizations that paid a ransom only got back 61% of their data, down from 65% the previous year, while only 4% of those that paid the ransom got ALL their data back in 2021, down from 8% in 2020. This highlights the importance of employing multiple methods to restore data—utilizing backups in particular can improve the speed of recovery and increase the amount of data that can be recovered.

Ransom payments have increased
Ransom payouts

Not only are ransoms less effective at restoring data than in previous years, but the amount of the payments themselves have increased considerably. Between 2020 and 2021 there was a threefold increase in the proportion of victims paying ransoms totaling US$1 million or more. The percentage paying the lowest ransom amounts decreased over that same time—from one in three (34%) to one in five (21%).

Ransom payouts by industry

The average ransom payout increased 4.8X from 2020 data, from an average of US$170K to US$812,360 in 2021. However, the average ransom amount varies greatly across industries, with manufacturing and utilities coming in at the top of this survey with an average of US$2.04M and US$2.03M, respectively, while healthcare and local/state government had the lowest average ransom payments at US$197K and US$214K, respectively.

Ransomware greatly impacts companies, both economically and operationally
The business impact of ransomware

Even when some of all data is able to be restored after a cyber attack, the costs of loss productivity or inability to operate at all can be substantial. Of those hit by ransomware last year, 90% said their most significant attack impacted their ability to operate, while 86% said it caused them to lose business and/or revenue. The average cost to remediate an attack in 2021 was US$1.4M, which, thankfully was down from US$1.85M in 2020. This was due in part to cyber insurance providers being better able to guide victims through an effective response more rapidly.

Although there have been improvements in total recovery time over the years, it still took, on average, one month for organizations to fully recover from the most significant attacks. Those in higher education and central/federal government had the slowest average response times, at around 2-5 months, while manufacturing and financial services were the quickest, with the majority being  able to recover in one month or less.

Despite the huge economic costs of ransomware attacks, many organizations are putting their faith in defense that don’t actually prevent ransomware—only more quickly mitigate its effects. Seventy-two percent of organizations in the survey who weren’t hit by ransomware in the past year and didn’t expect to be hit in the future cited backups and cyber insurance as reasons why they don’t anticipate an attack. Neither of these elements actually prevent attacks in the first place.

Simply having security resources in place does not necessary mean that they are effective. Of those surveyed who were hit by ransomware in the last year, 64% said they had more cybersecurity budget than they need, and 24% said they had the right amount of budget. Many of these organization also said they had more headcount or the right amount of headcount (65% and 23%, respectively. This reveals that despite having ample  resources—both personnel and technology—organizations will not achieve a high return on investment without a combination of the right technology and expertise to use the technology effectively.

Cyber insurance drives changes to cyber defenses
Cyber insurance take-up

Thankfully, organizations do not have the shoulder the burden of ransomware costs all on their own. The survey found that four in five mid-sized organizations had insurance against ransomware attacks. However, 34% said there were exclusions/exceptions in their polices. Organizations that had been previous hit by ransomware attacks in the past were much more likely to have cyber insurance coverage against ransomware. However, many respondents indicated that securing coverage has changed in the past year, or gotten more difficult to obtain:

  • 54% said the level of cybersecurity they need to qualify is now higher
  • 47% said policies are now more complex
  • 40% said fewer companies offer cyber insurance
  • 37% said the process takes longer
  • 34% said it is more expensive

As a result, 97% of organizations that have cyber insurance have made changes to their cyber defense to improve their cyber insurance position. 64% have implemented new technologies/services, 56% have increased staff training/education activities, and 52% have changed processes/behaviors.


The survey has revealed that ransomware continues to be an imminent threat for organizations of all sizes across industries. For many, choosing an experienced partner with expertise in cybersecurity not only improve their chances of getting approved for the right amount of cyber insurance coverage, but can ensure that they see an higher return on investment and improved ability to prevent and mitigate attacks in the future.

Does Your Mid-Market Firm Have the Right Talent to Maximize Its Data Tech Investments

Does Your Mid-Market Firm Have the Right Talent to Maximize Its Data Tech Investments?


Does Your Mid-Market Firm Have the Right Talent to Maximize Its Data Tech Investments?

Investing in digital transformation technologies can be a waste of money if your company forgets one important point. That point is, no matter how cutting edge the tech or tool may be, people are needed with specific technical expertise in order to derive true business value from these investments.

Unlike large enterprises, mid-market companies often try to find this expertise in their IT manager, hoping a jack-of-all-trades approach will take care of it. This is an unfortunate mistake, since it would require the IT manager to have unusual command over a long laundry list of duties, from data integration, ingestion, and preparation to data security, regulatory compliance, data science, and building pipelines of data ready for executive reporting from multiple cloud and on-premises environments. This is not just a tall order for a mid-market IT manager to pull off, but likely an impossible one.

Overwhelmed IT worker at a computer late in the evening

At the same time, it’s unreasonable to expect that most mid-market firms can hire an entire division of data experts—who each need to be highly compensated—in order to achieve the organization’s digital transformation goals. Even if a mid-market player could afford it—which is unlikely to make economic sense—these talent resources are scarce and in high demand.

If you’re still wondering whether your IT manager’s skill set, leveraged by your in-house IT technicians, can properly run the gamut required to achieve value from your data technology investments, consider that the person in this position would need the ability to master a wide range of skill sets, from cloud architecture, database engineering, and master data management to data quality, data profiling, and data cleansing. More specifically, your IT manager would need to take on five additional specialized roles for technical talent that are critical for achieving value from data technology investments.

These roles are:

Chief Data Officer/Chief Digital Officer

A chief data officer (CDO) is focused on—you got it—data. Most mid-market companies understandably don’t have a CDO, which means they don’t have anyone who assures regulatory compliance for data handling while managing and exploiting information assets, reducing uncertainty and risk, and applying data and analytics to drive cost optimization and revenue objectives. For IT managers to fulfill a CDO role, they’d have to be equipped to bring a global perspective to company data, help their organization gain competitive advantage over peers, and manage data and analytics. They’d also need the ability to secure data, transform it into valuable business information, lead digital transformation initiatives, and use data for growth and operational efficiency.

Cloud Engineer

The primary job of a cloud engineer is to keep cloud data centers operational and secure for ecosystem users to be able to store and access their data. Cloud engineers are experts in minimizing downtime, managing access to data, managing compute and storage, and setting up cloud architectures for clients, tenants, and containers. They also monitor data center hardware, servers, networks, and communications systems for operational continuity and efficiency.

Data Security Expert

Mid-market firms also need a way to channel the talents of a data security expert, CISO, or cybersecurity director to ensure cyber-security for the company’s data. Data security experts must keep current on emerging threats while executing data security strategies to fend off and remediate attacks. This involves a wide range of duties, including working closely with the IT team to run the company’s Security Operations Center (SOC), constantly monitoring servers, networks, and workstations for security threats, and staying up to date on the changing compliance laws and regulations for the business, to name a few.  While larger IT teams have bandwidth to fill cybersecurity needs inhouse, many midmarket IT teams do not have capacity for the 24/7/365 monitoring and security edits needed to thwart attacks, let alone bandwidth for executing on mitigation and response strategies needed to overcome them.

Data Engineer

A data engineer’s primary job is to prepare data for analysis or operational uses, which involves integrating data from different sources, as well as implementing and executing data profiling, cleansing, transforming, and normalizing data. Data engineers also work with data in motion and use master data management to ensure data consistency across an organization. Finally, a data engineer is your go-to technical resource for database construction and management, helping to optimize the company’s data ecosystem.

Data Scientist

It should be clear now why a mid-market IT manager should not be expected to take on these additional professional roles, but in case there’s any doubt, keep in mind that a data scientist is also needed. Data scientists develop algorithms and leverage deep learning models to analyze data with artificial intelligence and machine learning. The data scientist creates the “brain” of the data analytics solution to position it for providing accurate answers based on business information. Data scientists also mine data to find opportunities for business growth and efficiency. Ideally, the data scientist uses tools that enable non-technical business users to query data sets without having to write SQL or other code.

Master of One

If you’ve correctly determined that your mid-market IT department does not have enough time to absorb these data roles into their regular duties of keeping your company systems stable and responding to help desk tickets from your team, don’t despair. There’s a viable solution for mid-market businesses with this dilemma: they can partner with data experts who provide a side-by-side model coupling technology with talent. This allows the mid-market to efficiently compete, leveraging the necessary skillsets to achieve digital transformation success.

What does successful mid-market digital transformation require? The key is to have a cloud-based data center, a cloud native data management platform, and cloud native analytics, thus shifting the burden of procuring and maintaining the infrastructure to a third-party vendor in the data industry. Instead of attempting to reinvent the wheel in house, mid-market players should ensure they’re partnered with the right infrastructure to maximize the data-center capabilities, and data storage and management, for effective digital transformation.

Mid-market firms can gain the benefits of working with a wide range of experts including cloud engineers, data engineers, security experts, data scientists, and other highly skilled technical resources if they establish a partnership with a data platform company. By opting for this type of side-by-side expert help, the mid-market can achieve true business value—without needing to hire an entire data team.